Hello, and welcome! I’m Kelly, a Certified Reiki Master, Yoga & Meditation Teacher, Auriculo-therapist, Reflexologist and Mind/Body Wellness Coach.

Kelly Carrasquillo
I am passionate about elevating the lives of others, and eager to share with you my arsenal of evidence-based wellness practices that have helped me and many others journey toward better health and well-being.
This is what makes my practice different. As a compassionate mind and body wellness practitioner, I have a deep level of empathy for those dealing with chronic pain, autoimmune, stress, and anxiety. I have first hand understanding of the debilitating and often isolating effects a health challenge can have. In each wellness session, I leverage my many years of experience and my gifts as an empath to create a peaceful space where you truly feel supported, safe, heard, accepted, cared for, and validated without judgement. I believe that it is in that space, where core needs are met, that the mind and body can begin to relax, heal, and work its way back to homeostasis.
Nothing brings me more satisfaction than when clients tells me how safe, peaceful and relaxed they feel after a Reiki session. Or to hear they finally got 6 hours of sleep or relief from migraines, chronic pain or anxiety after an Auriculotherapy session. That a Reflexology session brought ease to digestive issues and eliminated stress. How my Autoimmune Protocol (AIP) support helped them lose that last 5 pounds, get rid of their eczema, brain fog, and reduce inflammation and painful arthritis symptoms . Or how headaches and anxiety greatly lessened after a yoga or guided meditation session.
That said, I would love to be a part of your wellness team, and support your journey to better health and wellbeing.
May you be well, and kind to yourself.
Kelly Carrasquillo