Private Meditation

Private mindfulness coaching and meditation sessions are tailored to individual needs and experience. If you are new to meditation and mindfulness, sessions can be used to learn more about mediation and Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction,  and how to develop a daily meditation practice that fits into your unique lifestyle. You may also opt to use this time to received a guided meditation specific to personal goals or challenges. For instance, a guided meditation to let go of racing thoughts and ease anxiety, or a guided meditation that includes affirmations to help build confidence. Or maybe you are interested in learning about transcendental meditation, or techniques to help enrich  your existing mindfulness practice.


After practicing meditation and mindfulness for over a decade, I have learned that while goal of a meditation practice is primarily the same from one person to the next, the way we begin that practice, and how we get to that end state can look very different. Many people are quick to give up on meditation. Often because they have unrealistic expectations on what their daily meditation practice should look like. Having an experienced teacher that knows how to tailor learnings, and break down meditation exercises unique to your needs, makes the practice of mindfulness much more easily accessible. As a teacher, I cant express enough, how thrilling it has been to see some of my most skeptical, meditation resistant clients, experience the benefits of living mindfully and having a daily meditation practice.


Discover how mindfulness and meditations practices can help with physical health, stress, depression, anxiety, emotional exhaustion and burnout, sleep quality, mental clarity, and more.

Guided Meditations:

Private Meditation & Mindfulness Coaching:

  • 4 private coaching sessions – $220 (per person)
  • 8 private coaching session – $400 (per person)

Group Meditation & Mindfulness Coaching:

  • 4 semi – private coaching sessions – $220+ additional $100 per person
  • 8 semi – private coaching sessions – $400+ additional $200 per person

Please call, text or email for special corporate and group pricing, or to inquire about custom packages.